Wednesday, 19 March 2008

Song to Woody

C ; G
I feel like I’m lost miles from home
F ; G
Down a road where no wiser men have gone
C ; G
I’d entered the cinema with hopes running high
F ; G
Pushed by reviews that I now know are lies

Hey, hey Woody Allen I wrote you a song
A protest to arms at the thing that you done
What where you drinking? What on earth were you thinking?
Were you thinking at all?

For two hours we cringed at this thing on the screen
We stifled the yawns, bit back the screams
The script was a sham the acting was hammed
The casting was done by IKEA

Hey hey Woody Allen I beg you to stop
Think of your legacy and the great films ya got
‘Cause if I have another experience like that
I’m go to the bathroom and I ain’t comin back

And when I’m in hell, I can choose my prize
Ten minutes of Match Point or pull out my eyes
I’ll be reaching for the white-hot tongs

Hey, hey Woody Allen I wrote you a song
Please please please don’t go on

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