Tuesday 1 December 2020

The Universal Law of the One and the Many

From the One comes the Many and from the Many comes the One
Within the one is the potential for the many
And within the many, there is inherently the one.
In the subatomic world
In the astronomical world
And anywhere in between
Including all of human behaviour.

In the Universe, expanding out
Forming super galaxy clusters 
that will contract, back into the one

On the Earth – In Geology
Tectonic plates make a continent
Then disintegrate back, into individuality
In Oceanology, equatorial heat rises 
And watery polar cool falls 
Circulating, and redistributing resources 

The more you force yourself to the many
The more nature forces you back to the one
this knowledge  
Understand nature’s way, accept it and grow

In the body – In Chemistry
Nucleophilic substitution or elimination
Many to one and one to many reactions

In Enzymology, enzymes catalyse 
Anabolic and catabolic reactions To build and 
destroy, to maintain metabolic equilibrium

In the nervous system, the parasympathetic anabolises 
And the sympathetic catabolises 
Autonomically, from one to many. 

Understand this Law 
Meet the needs of others 
Not just your own 
And you can make a vast difference
Change the entire  world 

When everything outside's a reflection of what's inside you
You... will have mastered your life 
You’ll have equity outside
Equanimity within
Be inspired by what you do
Become certain and present
And live 
With love 
And gratitude

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