I’ve got so much stuff
That I don’t want
It’s destroying my life
I’m surrounded by junk
But I always need what I don’t have
And I’m buggered if I
Can throw them away
Some of it might something
Gonna put it on ebay
Got to arrange it nicely
Take a photo
But I can’t my camera
It’s in a draw somewhere
I need to sell stuff so I can find it
I don’t know how it started
I’ve had it since I was a kid
From stamp collections
To cigarette cards
Pretty bottles
To fossil shards
I even wrote down the number plates
Of the cars in our street
So I could spot them on the motorway
I never grew out of it like the other boys
I just moved on, to bigger toys
I’m a collector you see
Of objects and things
Things I don’t really need
Things that just slow me down
I’ve got to learn to say
No no no no no no no
No no no no no no no
Thanks for the offer
But I’ve already got another
Even though that one is a very nice color
(Maybe I could…)
No no no no no no no
No no no no no no no
When am I ever going to be able to stop?
Why do they always make it look so good in the shop?
I just moved into a new flat
Took me 4 trips in a van
And I swore throughout the nightmare
I’d sort it out when I was there
But instead I just bought draws and cupboards
And doubled my problem
Now I can’t even get back to square one
It was lovely and spacious when I moved in
But I filled it with tables and chairs for dinner parties
Now there isn’t space to have many people over at all
There’s just too much furniture
I divide my time between the chairs
I’m trying to spread the wear
I think I’ve found a solution
A really great idea
That will solve my problem forever
Get me out of here
I’m going to give it all away
Not have a home
Be a truly of me
I’ll spend my days on buses
Just riding around
Soaking up the atmosphere
Of this interesting town
I’ll flit from friend to friend
Commandering their couches
Until they want to watch TV
Then I wouldn’t be able
To have much stuff at all
Only what I could carry
Which isn’t much
Cos I’m not very strong
And I’d have a bad back from sleeping on couches
When I run out of friends
I’ll go the YMCA
I’ve heard that even the private suites
Are very very small
And I’d probably get robbed
Which would make decisions easier
Who knows
One day
I might just have
The clothes I’m wearing
Then it’s be easy to say
No no no no no no no
No no no no no no no
Don’t give it to me, I’ve nowhere to put it
I’ve no use for your materialistic society
No no no no no no no
No no no no no no no
I’d rather have the space
Than something, to put in its place
When I think of all I’ve spent
If I could cash it all back in
I’d be a rich man, and a happy man
And a man with space
All I want is space
Space my dear
My greatest fear